Join us this year 2025, as we honour the 20th anniversary of AYINET

Join us this year 2025, as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of AYINET Today, we look back and reflect upon the tough choices we made on the peak of 20 years of devastating, violent conflicts in northern Uganda. As bad as things were; we chose to work for peace and justice for victims.Pain activated our passion, and we started AYINET…

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The Night is Long for a Hungry Child

The Night is Long for a Hungry Child pursuing prosperity measured by children’s well-being This is a campaign inspired by the plight of young people and communities caught up in the intertwined challenges of Climate Change, Conflict and Poverty. Our outcome-focused scalable response plan prioritises addressing the interconnected root causes of those three main threats by;Creating a supportive environment where…

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AYINET supports post conflict communities in during Covid-19 Lock-down

COVID-19 AYINET supports post conflict communities in during Covid-19 Lock-down In the wake of Covid - 19 pandemic in Uganda and it’s devastating impacts in the post-conflict greater northern region specifically, Lives of people and families were heavily affected. The restrictive measures that the Government put in place to protect the populations against infections and spread of the virus had…

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Victims Voices for Justice

Victims' Voices for Justice The ICC Chief Prosecutor, Ms. Fatou Bensouda, addressing victims of the LRA war at Barlonyo Memorial Site, Lira District IntroductionWhen victims and survivors become aware of discussions about the war, like the debate taking place in light of the recent arrest and upcoming trial of Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) commander Dominic Ongwen, terrible days emerge from…

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Emerging youth leaders

Youth emerging as Leaders and Game changers for Peace and Reconciliation The youth are undeniably a key force in achieving peaceful communities and forming paths to post-conflict recovery.  Despite this, they are often not only victims of crime but also perpetrators of violent crime. One of the main reasons for their involvement in criminal activity is poverty, which is a…

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A war survivor journeys through stigma to acceptance

A war survivor journeys through stigma to acceptance Abalo Christine is 31 years old from Lagile village, Awere sub county in Pader district. Her life drastically changed when she was only 15 years in primary school. One evening on her way home from the market, she walked into an ambush of LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) rebels. She was abducted.The LRA…

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Ayinet and rotary club health camps

AYINET and Rotary Club Lira organise Health camps, Family Health Days A child being vaccinated against Polio at Lira Referral Hospital – one of the health camps organized by AYINET in partnership with the rotary Club Lira African Youth Initiative Network (AYINET) in partnership with the Rotary Club Lira organized free health camps in Lira district with the aim to…

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A call for peace amidst heightened tensions and xenophobia

The last few weeks there have been reports of anti-immigrant march and attacks on nationals of African countries in South Africa with Nigerians specifically targeted. Amidst all this tension, there have been reported lootings and destructions of foreign own properties, and some have called for retaliation on South African businesses and nationals in Nigeria.

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Open letter to African Union Peace and Security Council

A plea for the African Union to act swiftly and address the plight of civilian populations in Burundi and South Sudan Joined by some of Africa’s most influential entrepreneurs and human rights campaigners, Victor Ochen who is also Africa’s youngest Nobel Peace Prize nominee urged the African Union to save its image by acting swiftly and save lives of fellow…

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Open letter to AU

A Petition to the Participants of the Extraordinary African Union Summit on The International Criminal Court, October 2013 To the Kind Attention of Your Excellencies of  African PresidentsSubject:The African Union’s GUILT CRUSADE Against the ICC, an Obstacle to Justice for  Victims and Survivors of War.I write to you as a fellow African, as a brother to you and those millions…

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