UBS Global Visionaries donates hundreds of computers to AYINET for peacebuilding

As we usher in 2021 – the year of powering possibilities, AYINET team is filled with great optimism, positivity and gratitude to the Global Visionaries of UBS for donating over 200 computer sets and printers as well as financial support to AYINET.
AYINET appreciates DHL and the Government of Uganda especially the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, Uganda Revenue Authority and Uganda National Bureau of Standards in aiding and supporting the delivery and establishment of ICT innovation hub in an effort to promote youth empowerment, national development and peacebuilding.
This is an opportunity to address the existing inequality reinforced by the growing digital divide, especially in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. The ICT innovation hub shall contribute to improving access for community health workers, teachers and students alike.
The computers are timely in reinforcing AYINET’s 16 years of implementing youth leadership programs, healing, reconciliation and peacebuilding which have been generously supported by Democratic Governance Facility, United Nations, USAID and Trust Africa among others.
With the enhanced technological capacity, AYINET will more in 2021 occupy the space, we will not step out, back or aside but forward in demonstration of our commitment to promoting peace in Africa.

The Government of Uganda duly appreciates the contribution of AYINET towards promoting technology to create jobs for semi skilled and unskilled youth in Northern Uganda in an effort to promote local revenue generation.
Hon Matia Kasaija, Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

Uganda’s Ministry of ICT and National Guidance applauds the Optimus Foundation of UBS for donating computer hardware to AYINET on affirmative action towards Northern Uganda’s peacebuilding and rehabilitation programme.
Hon. Vincent Waiswa Bagiire, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of ICT and National Guidance