Youth Programs

Youth Leadership and Peace Building training

The youth speak out on AYINET's nomination

“I was very happy when I heard about   AYINET and Victor Ochen’s nomination on my local radio station. Victor Ochen is a youth while AYINET is an organisation working with Youth. These nominations gives me hope because I see a sign of victory that attitude and perception towards   the youth will change in society, from being referred to as perpetrators to peace builders.

Gloria Ayami village, Aromo subcounty.


It is time for the youth to change attitudes. Society thinks that we the young people didn’t have that bitter experience, and that this limits our contribution in peace building.  Our views are not taken seriously but this nomination paves the way for more youth engagement as it clearly shows the roles youth have to play in peace building.

Okello Ronald kassujja

For a long time, focus has been on the LRA perpetrators, rather than the victims of conflict in northern Uganda.  I am very grateful that at last a victim and a youth organisation working for peace has been recognized for the work they do, and nominated for the Nobel peace Prize.

Susan Ayar. Ongako subcounty

Youth Leadership training

AYINET organised and  trained over 60 youth in Lira and Gulu districts.  The youth were chosen from different sub counties within Gulu and Lira. Youth groups from each sub-county nominated and voted a member to represent them in the leadership and peace-building trainings.

The training was officially opened by the District Community Development Officer and closed by the District Youth Representative. The modules of training covered leadership, conflict and governance, team leadership, power and governance, problem solving, collaboration for crime reduction and project cycle.

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