MICC - Model International Criminal Court

Model International Criminal Court (MICC) is a simulation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for high school students and university students from all over the world. MICC encourages young people to study human rights and international criminal law. It comprises sets of training sessions, workshops and discussions with an internationally set up simulation of the ICC – the permanent international judicial body capable of trying individuals for the most serious crimes.
In this respect, Kreisau Initiative Berlin, in partnership with African Youth Initiative Network (AYINET); A human rights organisation based in Lira District in Northern Uganda and working to promote; peace, justice and reconciliation in Uganda and Africa at large, a reality for victims and survivors of human rights violations.
The two organisations in cooperation with the Kryzowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe are working to identify five young Ugandans aged (15 – 21 years) to participate in the MICC project scheduled for May 21-28, 2016 in Kryzowa, Poland.
The selection criterion is as follows:
1. One, must have a good command of written and oral English language
2. One must be confident
3. Interested participant MUST be having a Ugandan Passport
4. Must have a leavers certificate or a recommendation from your school
5. Added advantage if you have interest in pursuing legal profession
Thus, if you meet the above requirements and have a go get attitude, hand write your application, expressing your interest to participate in this unique event.
Note: Accompany it with your brief to the point, responses to the following questions.
1. What is the International Criminal Court?
2. How and why was the International Criminal Court created?
3. What is the connection between the International Criminal Court and the Second World War?
4. Which have been the most important milestones in the creation process of the ICC?
5. What features should a case have to be considered relevant to the ICC?
6. Think of a case treated by the Ugandan justice and describe why it could and why it couldn’t be taken to the International Criminal Court.
7. What do you consider the most important values of the project to which you are applying?
Contact Information:
Please, submit in your application and essays to the Coordinator
MICC Uganda
P.O Box 981, Lira Uganda
e-mail: ayinet@gmail.com or uganda@africanyouthinitiative.org
Period : December 15, 2015 to January 31, 2016