Join us this year 2025, as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of AYINET

Join us in celebrating AYINET's 20th

Today, we look back and reflect upon the tough choices we made on the peak of 20 years of devastating, violent conflicts in northern Uganda. As bad as things were; we chose to work for peace and justice for victims.

Pain activated our passion, and we started AYINET during active conflicts. We stood against the desire to pick up guns to avenge our losses, simply because we refused to consider anyone as our enemy.

AYINET’s baby steps helped us grow into grassroots defenders and promoters of peace. We dedicated ourselves to transform lives impacted by war, the promotion of social cohesion and community development. We put ourselves at grave risk and we managed to save lives. Our biggest tools were courage, convictions, truth, and hope. We believe in humanity’s collective potential, the invincible resolve which compelled us to step forward for peace; we are proud of our achievements and contributions to the service of humanity.

Even though

Over the years, we saw war in northern Uganda shift from battlefield confrontations to individual survivors, families and communities who are left on their own to grapple with the devastating effects of war and loss. On behalf of victims, let me:

The political volatilities in Africa today are a reminder that Africa needs leadership that inspires peace not war. We must avoid the feeling and language of violent confrontation. All too often, people fight and innocent people are killed. In the end, fighters negotiate and attain ranks, become powerful figures in government, and live privileged lives with their families; while they turn their backs on the victims.

To commemorate AYINET’s anniversary, we have a year-long plan to honour our 20 years of peace building, human rights promotion, pursuit of justice and dignity for all. We will share with you in the next post, our planned actions across the African Continent.

We remain open to new ideas and perspectives of what we can do together, please reach out. You can  donate to support our work.

May the light of peace shine with strength into your hearts and minds as we care for one another.

Victor OCHEN
Founder and Executive Director for African Youth Initiative Network (AYINET)