The youth co-leading the silencing the guns agenda

The African Union Office of the Youth Envoy, in partnership with the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa to the United Nations hosted a virtual Intergenerational Dialogue in celebration of Africa Day 2020 titled ‘’How Will Youth Co-Lead Silencing the Guns agenda?’’. This event focused on echoing the AUC’s strategic engagements to Silencing the Guns in Africa, while enhancing the youth, peace and development agenda. Silencing the Guns is part of the flagship projects and programs of Agenda 2063, Africa’s blue print for its long-term socio-economic and integrative transformation.

Mr. Victor Ochen the founder and Executive director of African Youth Initiative Network-AYINET was a panelist during the discussion.  His main talking points were focused on how Silencing the Guns can be used to move the African continent forward, towards a more integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa through involving the youth.